About Us

Mx Domestic, or Mathew Boudreaux, has made a significant impact in the quilting and crafting community with their innovative approach and inclusive philosophy. Their journey began with a deep appreciation for the artistry of textiles, which led them to experiment with various quilting techniques and materials.

The Mx Domestic brand reflects a global perspective that resonates with a diverse audience. Their workshops are known for being welcoming spaces that encourage participants to express their individuality and creativity, regardless of their skill level.

In addition to teaching, Mx Domestic shares their work through social media platforms, where they showcase completed projects, offer tutorials, and provide insights into their creative process. They frequently engage with their followers, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among crafters.

Their commitment to inclusivity also extends to advocacy work, where they promote accessibility in crafting, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to engage in and enjoy quilting. By addressing barriers within the crafting world, they are paving the way for a more welcoming environment for all crafters.

Overall, Mx Domestic embodies the spirit of creativity and community in the crafting world, inspiring others to find joy and connection through their artistic pursuits.